April 2016: Sophie Shie, who is going to begin her undergraduate studies at UofA in Fall 2016, has joined our lab. Welcome Sophie.
January 2016: Swayamdipta is chosen for IC-IMPACTS 2016 Summer School. Congratulations Swayamdipta.
January 2016: Ishita is selected for IC-IMPACTS 2016 Summer school. Congratulations Ishita.
January 2016: Behnam’s paper is accepted for publication in RSC Advances. Congratulations Behnam.
November 2015: Mahtab wins the FGSR Travel Award
September 2015: Our Scientific Reports paper on bacterial streamers is discussed on Phys.org: http://phys.org/news/2015-09-bacteria-badly.html
August 2015: Swayamdipta and Nandini’s manuscript on calcite precipitation by S. pasteurii has been accepted for publication in the journal “Journal of visualized experiments”.
July 2015: Dr. Kumar gives an invited talk at Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz.
July 2015: Mahtab and Zahra’s manuscript on biofilm streamers has been accepted for publication in the journal “Scientific Reports”.
June 2015: Swayamdipta clears his doctoral candidacy exams. Congratulations Swayamdipta.