ME244: Experimental methods in Microfluidics (Jan 2018)
ME225: Introduction to Soft Matter (August 2018)
ME244: Experimental methods in Microfluidics (Jan 2019)
ME225: Introduction to Soft Matter (August 2019)
UE204: Elements of Solid Mechanics (January 2020)
ME201: Fluid Mechanics (August 2020)
UE204: Elements of Solid Mechanics (January 2021)
Academic Honesty: As students of IISc, we expect you to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity.
About the course:
Elastic bodies. Axial and shear stresses, Hooke’s Law, Stress resultants, Axially loaded members, Torsion of circular bars, Shear force, bending moment, and axial thrust, Theory of simple bending, Bending and shear stress distribution in beams, Two-dimensional state of stress, Principal stresses and strains, Mohr’s diagram, Pressure vessels, Combined states of stress and failure theories, Detection of beams, Statically indeterminate beams, Unsymmetrical bending, Shear centre, Buckling of columns, Energy methods, Principle of virtual work, Castigliano’s theorems and applications
Textbook: Mechanics of Solids, S. H. Crandall, N. C. Dahl, T. J. Lardner and M. S. Sivakumar
University of Queensland’s Pitch Drop Experiment (YouTube)