September 2016: Mahtab’s paper ‘Dynamics of bacterial streamers induced clogging in microfluidic devices’ is accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip. Congratulations Mahtab.
August 2016: Ishita’s paper ‘Nonlinear deformation and localized failure of bacterial streamers in creeping flows’ is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations Ishita.
June 2016: Swayamdipta wins 1st prize for research talk & 3rd prize for the elevator pitch at UofA’s FEGRS Meeting. Congratulations Swayamdipta.
June 2016: Swayamdipta wins special prize for “Very Interesting Research Topic” in the rapid fire e-poster competition at the IC-IMPACTs Summer Institute held in Edmonton between May 28-Jun 5. Congrats!
April 2016: Faheem, Naresh and Mahtab’s paper is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters. Congratulations Mahtab.
April 2016: Ishita clears her doctoral candidacy exams. Congratulations Ishita.
April 2016: Kumar Lab welcomes Prof. Shankar Subramaniam (Iowa State Univ.) on his short stay to our lab. Hope you enjoy your time here.
April 2016: Kumar Lab welcomes Prof. Steve Wereley, who is visiting UofA for the Ingenuity Lab distinguished lecture.
April 2016: Behnam Gheshlaghi successfully defended his MS thesis work. Congratulations Behnam. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.
April 2016: Undergraduate student,Omar Mohammed, received the Dean’s Research Award for his our with our group in Winter 2016. Congratulations Omar.